ROUND TABLE : REPRODUCIBLE ARTICLES IN IMAGE PROCESSING Location: The Arc Organized by the innovation co-chairs:
The invited panelists include:
The round table is open to all ICIP 2011 attendees, so you are cordially invited to attend. You are also welcome to send your comments and questions regarding the topic of the round table to the organizers who will share them with the panelists. Please email your comments/questions to icip2011-innovation@listes.uclouvain.be For more information on Reproducible Research, please visit: http://reproducibleresearch.net Short Bios:![]() Martin Vetterli got his Engineering degree from Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (ETHZ), his MS from Stanford University and his Doctorate from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He was an Associate Professor in EE at Columbia University in New York, and a Full Professor in EECS at the University of California at Berkeley before joining the Communication Systems Division of EPFL. He held several positions at EPFL, including Chair of Communication Systems, and founding director of the National Center on Mobile Information and Communication systems He is currently a Vice-President of EPFL, in charge of institutional affairs. He works on signal processing and communications, in particular, wavelet theory and applications, image and video compression, joint source-channel coding, self-organized communication systems and sensor networks, and has published about 140 journal papers on the subjects. His work won him numerous prizes, like best paper awards from EURASIP in 1984 and of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 1991, 1996 and 2006, the Swiss National Latsis Prize in 1996, the SPIE Presidential award in 1999, and the IEEE Signal Processing Technical Achievement Award in 2001. He is a Fellow of IEEE, of ACM and EURASIP, and was a member of the Swiss Council on Science and Technology (2000-2004). He is an ISI highly cited researcher in engineering. He is the co-author of three textbooks, with J. Kovacevic, "Wavelets and Subband Coding" (Prentice-Hall, 1995), with P. Prandoni, "Signal Processing for Communications", (PPUR, 2008) and with J. Kovacevic and V. Goyal, of the forthcoming book "Fourier and Wavelet Signal Processing" (2010).
![]() Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas (M'87, SM'95, F'06) received the S.B., S.M., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, in 1979, 1982, and 1987, respectively. From 1987 until 1999, he was a Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. In 1999, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (now EECS), Northwestern University, as an associate professor. His research interests are in image and video quality and compression, perceptual models for image processing, image and video analysis, model-based halftoning, and multimedia signal processing. Dr. Pappas has served as an elected member of the Board of Governors of the Signal Processing Society of IEEE (2004-2007), chair of the IEEE Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee, associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, and technical program co-chair of ICIP-01 and the Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN-04). He will also be technical program co-chair of ICIP- 09. Dr. Pappas is a Fellow of SPIE. Since 1997 he has been co-chair of the SPIE/IS&T Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging. He has also served as co-chair of the 2005 SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium.
![]() Thomas Sikora is professor and director of the Communication Systems Lab at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Between 1994 and 2001, he was the Director of the Interactive Media Department, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) Berlin GmbH, Germany. Dr. Sikora has been involved in international ITU and ISO standardization activities as well as in several European research activities for more than 15 years. As the Chairman of the ISO-MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) video group, he was responsible for the development and standardization of the MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 video algorithms. He also served as the chairman of the European COST 211ter video compression research group. He was appointed as Research Chair for the VISNET and 3DTV European Networks of Excellence. Dr. Sikora is a member of the German Society for Information Technology (ITG) and recipient of the 1996 ITG Award. He received the 1996 engineering Emmy Award of the US National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) as a member of the ISO MPEG-2 video standards group. He has published more than 300 journal and conference papers related to audio and video processing and he is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences. He co-authored three books: "Introduction to MPEG-7: Multimedia Content Description Interface", Wiley 2002, "MPEG-7 Audio and Beyond: Audio Content Indexing and Retrieval", Wiley 2005 and "3D Videocommunication: Algorithms, Concepts and Real-Time Systems in User-Centered Communications", Wiley 2005. He is a past Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. From 1998 to 2002, he was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. He is an Advisory Editor for the EURASIP Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal and was an Associate Editor of the EURASIP Signal Processing Journal.
![]() Edward J. Delp was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received the B.S.E.E. (cum laude) and M.S. degrees from the University of Cincinnati, and the Ph.D. degree from Purdue University. In May 2002 he received an Honorary Doctor of Technology from the Tampere University of Technology in Tampere, Finland. From 1980-1984, Dr. Delp was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since August 1984, he has been with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. From 2002-2008 he was a chaired professor and held the title The Silicon Valley Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Biomedical Engineering. In 2008 he was named a Distinguished Professor and is currently The Charles William Harrison Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Biomedical Engineering.In 2007 he received a Distinguished Professor appointment from the Academy of Finland as part of the Finland Distinguished Professor Program (FiDiPro). This appointment is at the Tampere International Center for Signal Processing at the Tampere University of Technology. His research interests include image and video compression, multimedia security, medical imaging, multimedia systems, communication and information theory. Dr. Delp has also consulted for various companies and government agencies in the areas of signal, image, and video processing, pattern recognition, and secure communications. He has published and presented more than 450 papers. Dr. Delp is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the SPIE, a Fellow of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), and a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. In 2004 he received the Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society for his work in image and video compression and multimedia security. In 2008 Dr. Delp received the Society Award from IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). This is the highest award given by SPS and it cited his work in multimedia security and image and video compression. In 2009 he received the Purdue College of Engineering Faculty Excellence Award for Research. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, and ACM. From 1997-1999 he was Chair of the Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP) Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Starting in 2008 he is the Chair of the Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. From 1994-1998 he was Vice-president for Publications of IS&T. He was Co-Chair of the SPIE/IS&T Conference on Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents that was held in January 1998-2008. Dr. Delp was the General Co-Chair of the 1997 Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP) held in San Jose. He was Program Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Ninth IMDSP Workshop held in Belize in March 1996. He was General Co-Chairman of the 1993 SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging. He was General Chair of the 2009 Picture Coding Symposium held in Chicago. Dr. Delp was the Program Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing that was held in Barcelona in 2003. From 1984-1991 Dr. Delp was a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Cardiac Imaging. From 1991-1993, he was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. From 1992-1999 he was a member of the editorial board of the journal Pattern Recognition. >From 1994-2000, Dr. Delp was an Associate Editor of the Journal of Electronic Imaging. From 1996-1998, he was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. He is also co-editor of the book Digital Cardiac Imaging published by Martinus Nijhoff. In 1990 he received the Honeywell Award and in 1992 the D. D. Ewing Award, both for excellence in teaching. In 2001 Dr. Delp received the Raymond C. Bowman Award for fostering education in imaging science from the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T). In 2004 he received the Wilfred Hesselberth Award for Teaching Excellence. In 2000 Dr. Delp was selected a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and in 2002 and 2006 he was awarded Nokia Fellowships. Since 2008 he has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Nokia Research Center's Media Laboratory. During the summers of 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2009 Dr. Delp was a Visiting Professor at the Tampere International Center for Signal Processing at the Tampere University of Technology in Finland. Dr. Delp is a registered Professional Engineer.
![]() Khaled El-Maleh received his M. Eng. and Ph.D. from McGill University, Canada, and B. Sc. in EE and B. Sc. in Applied Math from King Fahd University (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia. He has been with Qualcomm, San Diego since 2000. Dr. El-Maleh’s areas of expertise and interests include: design, implementation and quality evaluation of mobile multimedia systems with focus on speech and video compression/processing algorithms, innovation and technology transfer . He was a key member of the team who designed the first generation of mobile camcorder and video telephony solutions for both UMTS and CDMA networks. He was the video quality lead for Qualcomm chip unit and contributed to the design of media quality assessment tools with focus on automated on-chip quality testing. He is currently leading the multimedia engineering team in the Strategic IP Department of Qualcomm with focus on developing innovative technologies to enhance mobile multimedia user experience. In addition to his technical publications, he has filed more than 200 US and international patents covering video\image\speech processing and compression technologies, mobile learning and wireless power charging. He is a founding member of the International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) and served as the General Co-Chair for QoMEX 2009. He served/currently serving as the TPC Vice Chair (Tutorial Co-Chair) for Globecom 2010, TPC member for ACM Multimedia 2010, Steering Committee member for QoMEX 2010 and QoMEX 2011, Industry Co-Chair for ICME 2011, Industry Chair for SiPS 2011, Advisory Committee member of IEEE DSP/SPE 2011. He is currently serving as a member of the steering committee of ICME 2012-2014, Industry Panel Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2011, Industry Co-Chair for ICIP 2012, Special Sessions Co-chair for MMSP 2012, Tutorial Co-Chair for ICASSP 2013. He is a guest editor of two upcoming special journal issues on Quality of Multimedia User Experience (IEEE Signal Processing Magazine and European Journal of Signal and Image Processing)- to be published in 2011. Khaled is the recipient of Qualcomm First Career Thought Leader Award.
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